Socioeconomics & Applied Statistics
Socioeconomics and Applied Statistics
CARI like other NARS in Africa faces a problem of recruiting and retaining applied social scientists. While the demand for agricultural economists is the largest component, there is a need for a wide range of social science disciplines appropriately trained for four roles filled by people identifying themselves as ―socio-economists‖. The four roles are 1) stand-alone disciplinary research in social science, 2) participation in multidisciplinary teams with biophysical scientists, 3) institute management and research evaluation and planning processes, and 4) extension and communications.
There are 8 branches of social science research that CARI could attempt in collaboration with universities which has the capacity for sustainability purposes. The 8 branches are: 1) macroeconomic trends and economic environment, 2) policy analysis and policy processes, 3) production economics and farm management studies, 4) production chain analysis, 5) marketing (local and intra-regional), 6) Sociology and other social research, 7) GIS modeling, and 8) institutional analysis. There is recognition of the importance of applied social sciences, with a slight under-appreciation of the role of ―sociology and other social research.‖ Given that the most frequently cited constraints were ―a lack of understanding of farmers' needs, constraints, and opportunities‖, and issues of ―technology transfer‖, some awareness building at policy and research management levels may be needed on the need for sociology and communications.
To conduct targeted research, CARI will carry out thorough analyses of the priority product value chains to understand the constraints and demands of the various players along the chains. This will enable the identification of research opportunities and priorities to allocate the limited research resources to develop the required knowledge, information, and technologies that would have the highest probability of adoption and contribute more to development impact. The socioeconomics and applied statistics thematic area provides a platform for the interface of the users (people) of research products and technologies/information emanating from the research activities.
The human dimension (i.e. cultural, social, economic, political environment, etc.) has a strong bearing on the development and adoption of the technologies/information and the improvement of the overall welfare among the different players along the value chain.
The thematic area contributes to understanding and addressing the social, cultural, and economic issues that influence the development and adoption of appropriate agricultural knowledge, information, and technology.
Sound technologies, information, and knowledge that emanate from research are based on credible experimental design, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. Applied statistics will support scientists in this regard.
To develop scientifically sound technologies and knowledge, appropriate statistical methods have to be developed and used by researchers across the CARI. The challenge is therefore to have appropriate statistical inputs and data availed in all stages of technology development and dissemination to ensure the scientific credibility of the research products.
The Socioeconomics and Applied Statistics thematic area of research will be expected to contribute to the attainment of the overall institutional purpose through the attainment of its purpose of generating and promoting socioeconomics and applied statistics knowledge, information, and technologies that respond to clients 'demands and opportunities. This purpose will be delivered through the attainment of the following five results:
1. Socioeconomics and applied statistics information to contribute to the development of appropriate technologies and innovations for demand-driven agricultural value chains generated and promoted.
2. Markets and marketing strategies for agricultural product value chains developed and promoted.
3. Policy options for enhancing demand-driven agricultural product value chains facilitated and advocated.
4. Capacity for implementing integrated socioeconomics and applied statistics along the agricultural product value chains research strengthened.
5. Availability of socioeconomics and applied statistics knowledge, information, and technologies on agricultural product value chains research enhanced.
To deliver the expected results, the Socioeconomics and Applied Statistics thematic area will be structured into three components outlined below. Each of the components within the larger programme will be expected to contribute to the attainment of the five thematic area results.
(i) Generation and promotion of Socioeconomics information for use in the development of appropriate technologies and innovations for demand-driven agricultural product value chains.
(ii) Analysis and provision of market and policy information and knowledge along different agricultural product value chains
(iii) Development and promotion of appropriate applied statistical research methods and services in research planning, implementation, and analysis