Aspiring to create an institute of excellence, the Director-General of the Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI), Dr. Arthur Bob Karnuah envisions transforming the center into a fully functional agricultural research institute in Liberia.
Promising to make the institution a hub for agricultural research and innovation within and beyond, Dr. Karnuah is collaborating with stakeholders to ensure it becomes the center of excellence it once was.
As 2024 draws to an end for CARI, I find myself reflecting on a truly momentous five months we've had to close out the year. As you all remember, I was inducted into office as the Director General of CARI on August 8, 2024. It has been 5 months of rededication, renewal, commitment, and above all, resolve. We launched a bold new strategy called One Work Force to shape the next chapter of the CARI story, focusing on delivering workable and possible solutions to address the urgent challenges facing CARI as a research institution.
DUBAI, UAE - The Director General of the Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI), Dr. Arthur Bob Karnuah, announced that the RESADE-CARI project has successfully introduced improved technologies to increase productivity in salinity-affected lands within target communities in Liberia. This initiative has significantly enhanced the capacities of farmers, cooperatives, and the National Agricultural Research and Extension Services (NARES) providers in Liberia.
KAKATA, Liberia - In a significant move towards boosting rice production and enhancing food security in Liberia, the Minister of Agriculture, Dr. J. Alexander Nuetah, announced the testing and multiplication of new rice varieties by researchers at the Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI) in Suakoko, Bong County, to be distributed to farmers across the country.
The meteorology section at CARI was founded on May 14, 2015, under the supervision of Mr. Aaron G. Marshall, the Team Leader of the institute, to help buttress the efforts of research scientists with the appropriate weather data for research purposes, planting materials, and production schedules for local farmers and agri-businesses, which contribute significantly to yield increases through the use of short, medium, and long terms weather forecasts and reports..